Posted in bariatric diet, bariatric eating, gastric bypass diet, gastric bypass protein, healthy grocery guide, healthy grocery list, healthy summer snacks, product review

New Product Review-Enlightened Crisps

This past weekend I picked up a pack of Enlightened Broad Bean Crisps.  I was pretty skeptical at first…seriously a crunchy salty snack with only 100 calories and 7g protein?  Probably tastes like cardboard right?

Enlightened crisps

No!!!  They were delicious!!  OMG it was hard not to devour the entire bag!

I threw them in our pool bag, and had our whole group trying to grab a few more.  Everyone that tried them loved them!  I found this bag in our local grocery store, but there are several other flavors out there, which I plan to order online.

If you’re looking for a crunchy, yummy snack to take with you anywhere, I promise you will fall in love with these roasted broad bean’s!


Enlightened garlic and onion    enlightened mesquite BBQ  Enlightened siracha



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Posted in healthy grocery guide, healthy grocery list, healthy summer snacks

Healthy Summer Snacking When On The Move


When school lets out for the summer, most families are out and about all day long.  Camps, swimming, beach, hiking…you get the idea.  It can make snacking a bit of a challenge without a little bit of planning ahead of time.  When we’re heading to the pool, I’m normally good about packing a cooler full of healthy snacks.  If we’re out running from practices or to the park, sometimes that’s a little more challenging if I’m not dragging a cooler around.  Hopefully you’ll find some ideas on here that will appeal to you and your family!

If you have a cooler…

  1.  Frozen grapes
  2. cheese sticks (we love Cracker Barrel 2% cheddar)
  3. Chobani Greek yogurt tubes…freeze for a yummy treat
  4. Frozen yogurt bark (get the recipe here)
  5. Olive or pickle snack packs
  6. Veggies with hummus (the single serving cups are great)
  7. Watermelon slices
  8. Deli roll-ups


For your bag…

  1.  Nuts or trail mix (we love Back to Nature Cashew Almond Pistachio mix!)
  2. Popcorn
  3. Protein bars (for kids, my boys love CLIF Kid Zbars)
  4. Roasted chick peas (click here for recipe)
  5. Apple chips
  6. StarKist tuna salad pouch
  7. Natural apple sauce pouches
  8. Pirates Booty aged white cheddar 
  9. Protein waters
  10. Jerky (we all love Ostrim snack sticks)
  11. Crackers with your fav nut butter
  12. Hilshire snack boxes

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Let me know your favorite on the go snacks for your family!

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Posted in after gastric bypass surgery, bariatric diet, bariatric eating, gastric bypass diet, gastric bypass protein

The Beginner’s Guide to Macro and Micronutrients

Today’s guest post comes from Monica Nichols…see her bio at the end of post!

The two most-used terms in nutrition nowadays are probably micronutrients and macronutrients. And it’s no surprise, since they’re one of the most important aspects of building a healthy diet and promoting a healthy lifestyle. When you know a sufficient amount about micro and macronutrients, it becomes much easier to plan a perfect meal that will give your body everything that it requires on a daily basis. Simply put, a “nutrient” is any organic or inorganic molecule that the body requires in order to properly maintain all the processes inside of our cells. It could be a vitamin, a protein or just about anything else. One of the most popular classifications of nutrients is based on how much of them our body needs. Hence, we get the following classification comprising of macronutrients (molecules that our bodies need a lot of) and micronutrients (those that we need in smaller quantities).

This article is going to be a quick guide to the most basic macro and micronutrients, precisely why our bodies require them and why it’s a really bad idea to let yourself become deficient in any of them.


As I already mentioned, macronutrients are molecules that our bodies require in large quantities. There are three types of macronutrients out there: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates (or carbs, as they’re regularly abbreviated) have a singular function within our organism – to provide energy. When food that contains carbohydrates is ingested, these molecules are metabolized into a more simple form of sugar called glucose. Glucose is incredibly important in our bodies, as it is the bread and butter of our body’s energy supply. Our brain needs it in ample doses to keep functioning properly, which is why people on low-carb diets can sometimes feel that their mental functions are somewhat impaired – their brains simply don’t have enough glucose to continue operating at 100% efficiency.

Carbs are somewhat of a double-edged sword, however; because they’re almost pure energy, over the centuries our bodies have adapted to respond really well to them by releasing large amounts of the feel-good hormone dopamine into our bloodstream. In other words, carbs are always welcome in our bodies and we don’t always know when we’ve had enough, which means that it’s really easy to overeat with carbs – much more so than with fats and proteins.


Continue reading “The Beginner’s Guide to Macro and Micronutrients”

Posted in bariatric diet, bariatric eating, healthy dessert at grocery store, healthy grocery guide, healthy grocery list, protein recipies

Why Grocery Shopping Doesn’t Have to Be a Nutritional Nightmare

Today’s guest post is by Cassie…you can find her on Twitter @ehealth_inform.


The pursuit of a strong, healthy body is a noble goal we all desire. However, those of us willing to chase the dream have many hurdles to overcome along the way. And while physical fitness is its own challenge, getting hold of the right foods for your diet can sometimes feel daunting.

Arguments in the scientific community don’t make things any easier on us either. While researchers debate about heart attacks and prevention both in terms of lifestyle and diet, we’re faced with having to find and choose foods that are the best for our health today.

Thankfully, though, technology is making the struggle much simpler. With the help of the internet, some well-designed apps and several health-oriented communities (each with their own inspiring stories, we can turn the disorganized and sometimes haphazard practice of grocery shopping into a pleasure far removed from uncertainty and aggravation.

You Can Become an Amateur Researcher

One of the greatest tools at your disposal is the internet. Thanks to the hard work of nutritionists, clinicians and food enthusiasts, you can find out what foods best suit your personal needs. For example, take the diet of someone that does a lot of aerobic work.

Aerobic workouts chew through both your short-term and long-term energy storage relatively quickly. They use up your glycogen first and then tap into fat. Because of this hierarchy, runners and similar athletes need a diet higher in carbohydrates than might be required by power lifters.

Their protein requirements are also slightly lower because there is less tissue damage to repair from a workout. Armed with this knowledge, you can look up different foods you enjoy to start planning out your meals before you even head to the store.

One of my favorite resources for healthy foods is This site goes into all the details regarding vitamins and minerals and how to get them. It also makes a good companion to sites such as, which focuses more on facts and figures relating to ingredients and nutritional facts.

the real food grocery guide

There are So Many Apps to Help You

With so many mobile apps tailored towards making your trips to the supermarket more efficient and less stressful, one of the most powerful tools for making grocery shopping easier, your smartphone, is never far from your fingertips.

To begin with, you will want to make use of one of the many “list” making apps to keep track of what you need to buy and where you can buy it. One well-known app (and not without good reason) is Out of Milk. It allows you to create lists, scan items at the store and keep track of what’s running out at home (US users are also notified of deals while at the store).

Once you’re in the store, there are a variety of apps you can use to check up on foods and research ingredients. For example, Fooducate is an app where you can scan barcodes to get detailed information about ingredients and nutritional facts. However, when you’re in the store, mobile reception can be poor. Many places offer free WiFi, which can be a life saver at times, but also a tad risky if you aren’t using security software. It’s a good idea to utilize a Virtual Private Network with mobile devices if you plan to use the WiFi (a VPN is a type of internet security app). You’d be surprised how many problems can originate from unprotected connections.

On the other hand, if you aren’t a big fan of stores and prefer to shop at local farmer’s markets or at actual farms, you may want to consider apps such as Farmstand. Designed to help you find local produce, Farmstand integrates the locations of small time sellers and helps you figure out where to buy the freshest produce.

Of course, none of this would be possible without a strong community.

menut planner

You Are Not Alone—Join the Community

Besides doing searches online, preparing your shopping list and locating local sellers, you may also want to consider joining social media groups focused on nutrition and on the kind of exercises you enjoy the most.

Numerous Facebook groups exist to share meal ideas and advocate for different diets to help reach specific goals. In the same way you might find yourself exercising with community members at the gym or in the park, you can also get assistance coordinating your meals with real people online, especially when it comes to diets with special needs.

Pinterest can be great for this. Users will post photos of foods they’ve cooked complete with recipes, how-to instructions and commentary. You can use these pages to generate meal ideas and then coordinate with your list apps to make the trip much easier.

Due to the ease of running a social media page, you’ll also find healthy communities based around vendors that participate in your local farmer’s market. Here you can post your feedback and talk to other shoppers or sellers to further refine your shopping habits and meal plans.

grocery basket

Enjoy the Ride

When it comes down to it, if you utilize the numerous tools available to you, shopping is quite a pleasure. There’s no shortage of good food in the markets and eating right is sure to compliment a healthy lifestyle.

With the help of apps, various internet resources and thriving online communities, you can decide more easily what’s worth buying and what should be passed over. Combine all of this with cooking, and you’re well on your way to a positive relationship with grocery shopping.

Will you make your next trip to the store a treat? Tell us how you shop or plan your meals in the comments.

About the Author: Cassie enjoys blogging about food and nutrition, but she also writes regularly about internet technology and security. When she’s not discussing health or technology online, she enjoys casual bike rides around town.

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Posted in after gastric bypass surgery, bariatric diet, bariatric eating, bariatric recipies, benefits to bariatric surgery, gastric bypass diet, protein ice cream, Protein supplements, weight loss surgery experiences

A Different Way to Get Your Protein

Tired of protein shakes?  Try protein ice cream!  What a fantastic sweet treat to get your 75g a day.  This recipe uses Nectar Grab ‘n Go…to try all their 17 fantastic flavors, try getting a variety pack here…

Nectar Grab ‘N Go variety pack

nectar variety pack

Twisted Chocolate Cherry Protein Ice Cream


Recipe by Better Bariatric, LLCA little sweet and a little tart make this protein ice cream the perfect frozen protein treat! Makes two servings.


  • 1 cup 1% milk
  • 1 packet Nectar Twisted Cherry protein powder
  • 1 single serving container Dannon Fit & Light Greek vanilla yogurt
  • 1 oz extra dark chocolate, roughly chopped

Cooking Directions

  1. Using a fork or whisk, mix milk and protein powder together in a small bowl.
  2. Gradually mix in yogurt, until throughly blended.
  3. Following your ice cream makers directions, add mixture to ice cream machine.
  4. During last two minutes, add in chopped dark chocolate.
  5. Enjoy soft serve or store in airtight container in freezer for up to 3 days.

185 calories, 4g fat, 23g protein, 12g sugars (from dairy)

Posted in how to spend valentine day single, valentines for singles, what to do on valentines day when your single

Show Yourself Some Valentines Love


Valentine’s Day is just for couples right?  Nope!  Quite frankly, it’s always been one of my least favorite holidays.  Heck, I don’t really even consider it a holiday!  It’s another excuse for stores to stock obscene amounts of candy that will derail my good eating intentions, a good way for single gals and guys to feel lonely, a good excuse for florists to mark up flowers 400%…well you get the idea.

But I started thinking it’s also a good excuse to stop and take time to pamper ourselves.  Show our own bodies and minds that we love US and we are important enough to treat like the special someone we are!  Here are a few ways to show yourself some very much deserved love and TLC!

  • Ridiculously frou-frou bath bombs…like these totally yummy chocolate ones
  • Book yourself for a relaxing facial
  • Volunteer somewhere.  Walk dogs, sign up for a Big Brothers/Big Sisters event, sort clothes at a local thrift store…whatever your passion is, you can find someone in need who would sure love to have some of your time!
  • Turn off the phone, dim the lights, and settle in with that movie you’ve had on your watch list, or marathon watch that show you’re 10 episodes behind in.
  • Treat yourself to a gourmet tea or hot cocoa and settle in with a good book.

gourmet-te                                 cocoa

  • Get a mani-pedi…and pick a color that really stands out.
  • For men, treat yourself to a traditional shave at a barber or salon.
  • Catch a flick you’ve been wanting to see.
  • Sign up for a class.  If you’ve wanted to take dance lessons, learn a new language or check out a new workout, go for it!
  • Do a paint night.  Lots of painting studios have walk in nights…its the perfect time to do something fun and meet new people.
  • Buy yourself that pair of jeans or leather handbag you’ve been eyeing up but didn’t want to splurge on.


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Posted in sleep help remedies, sleep help stress, Sleep problems, Uncategorized

Catching some Zzzz’s


Everyone has sleeping trouble now and then.  If you’re stressed, worried, over exhausted, or not eating right, these can all make a good night sleep seem impossible.  I’ve struggled my whole life with insomnia, and sometimes resort to taking OTC sleep aids.  While these are helpful, I’m not one that feels like taking something forever, so I’ve been spending more and more time researching good sleep habits.

Not getting enough zzzz’s have some serious drawbacks.  In addition to not being as productive during the day, it also leads to weight gain, a weak immune system, even a higher chance of having a car accident!  Here are sleep makeovers that have helped me out so far.


  • Keep away from the electronics at least an hour before bed.  I was guilty of playing candy crush on nights I couldn’t fall asleep, and it sure wasn’t helping the problem.
  • Keep the bedroom clean, dark and cool.  I have found having nice clean, crisp sheets on my bed is very relaxing; even if it means changing the sheets more often and extra laundry, it’s worth it!
  • Set up a relaxing bedtime ritual for yourself, whether it’s taking a warm shower, drinking a cup of tea, or reading (my way to relax before bed), make it something you find soothing.
  • Don’t eat a big meal right before bed, but don’t go to bed starving either.  Both can really interfere with falling asleep.  If you had an early dinner, have a light, healthy snack before hitting the hay.
  • Use relaxing scented oils in an oil diffuser.  I like cedarwood, citrus and lavender.
  • Keep the TV off.  Falling asleep with the TV on is a big mistake I used to make in my early 20’s, and I’d wake up off and on all night long.  Plus, once you’re in the habit, it’s a really hard habit to break.  Use a fan, white noise machine (there are some great apps out there!), or humidifier if the room seems too quiet.
  • You’ll always here go to sleep and get up at the same time, even on weekends.  We all know that advice gets a big “yeah right!”.  However, I’ve found trying to go to bed by midnight and up by 830am even on weekends does really help.  I’m an early bird anyway, so adjust to an hour or two each direction for your normal weekday schedule.

Hopefully you’ll find a tip or two to help you get some much needed shut-eye, and if you have any tips, please share!



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Posted in after gastric bypass surgery, Gastric bypass books, gifts for bariatric patient

Hot Holiday Gift Guide for the Bariatric Patient

It’s that time of year again, time to give the loved ones on your list a special gift that shows you care, and really know what they’d like.  Somethings that you maybe used to buy for your loved ones-candy, wine, food baskets-might not be suitable anymore if your loved one has gone through bariatric surgery.  Here are some gift ideas that will be sure to please any friend of family member who has undergone weight loss surgery!

  1.  Ninja Master prep…400 watt power will blend frozen foods, and two cup processor can mince, dice and chop like a boss!



2.  Nature’s Approach Aromatherapy heat pad…keeps those sore belly muscles feeling better and the soothing herbal blend helps with relaxation.  Best part is just pop in the microwave for instant heat pack!


3.  A gift card to their favorite clothing store…one thing with bariatric surgery is we all go through clothes-very quickly- at first, so getting a new outfit or two will be much appreciated!


4.  Bariatric portion plate…one of the easiest ways for a post-op to keep their meal portions in control, especially during the holidays when it’s very easy to over indulge.


5.  The Social Chef conversion magnetic chart…make cooking easier with this magnetic conversion chart for converting recipe measurements.


6.  A gym membership…BUT, and this is  a HUGE BUT, only if he/she has asked for it, or talked about it!  Better yet, get one for both of you so your loved one won’t have to go alone!

7.  For her, try Natural Relaxing Bath Salts…after a day of stress, any lady would love to have a nice relaxing soak, especially if she’s still having some muscle aches from her surgery!


8.  A gift card for a massage…everyone needs a little TLC, and a relaxing massage will be much appreicated.

9.  A food saver….especially if the person on your list isn’t cooking for a family, they will be eating a lot less.  This food saver will make dividing up packets of meat and fish easy, and save them lots of money in wasted food.


10.  The Zoku Quick Pop Maker...who doesn’t love frozen treats?  The best part about this popsicle maker is the pops are ready in as little as 7 minutes!  Protein pops and homemade sugar free pops are a great change of pace from the sugar free ones you can buy.


11.  Give a class…would your friend or family member like to learn to cook?  Paint?  Pottery?  There are tons of fun classes out there, and it’s a great way to find a new hobby or    learn a new skill.

12.  Give an experience…a play, concert, museum tickets, the possibilities are almost endless!

13.  A healthy slow cooker cookbook…especially in the winter it’s great to pop dinner in the crockpot before work and come home to a healthy home cooked meal.


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Posted in fun workout classes

Cool Workout Classes

Spin class anyone?  No thanks!  Most of us are totally sick of the typical gym workouts.  Yes, I put my time in with the CrossRamp at the gym every week, but sometimes I’m just so bored with the whole workout scene.  So I’ve been surfing the net to see what else in out there, and came across a whole bunch of new and fun looking classes to check out.  Here’s what I found…

Pole Dancing…A fun way to let lose, while working out the entire body, strengthening arms, legs and core, not to mention working on flexibility.  And hey, maybe those classes can help us all out a bit with our love lives 😉

Urban Rebounding…this is a class that works out using a mini trampoline.  It is starting to catch on at gyms around the country, but you can also buy a DVD and mini trampoline to do the workout at home if you prefer.

Indoboarding…this is like surfing inside.  It’s a plank set up on a cylinder to help your body work on balance, coordination, and work out those core muscles.


SkyRobics…This is offered at Sky Zone trampoline parks…it combines aerobics and core strength building and can burn up to 1000 calories in a one-hour class!  Sounds worth checking out.

Star Wars workout classes…yup, that’s right, and of course it uses lightsabers!  What could be more awesome that working out with the force?!

Hula Hooping...this is just what it sounds like, a class devoted to the hula hoop.  I have never gotten the hang of the hula hoop but I have read and heard it gives you killer abs.


Kangaroo Jump…this is one I’ve been dying to try!  Those kangaroo shoes look like a blast and a half, and they can blast the calories in a fun and low impact way.  Lot’s of different kangaroo classes out there too, from dance to boot camps.

Suspension Training….This one was made popular by Jennifer Lopez, and uses gravity and body weight to build up strength, flexibility and core stability.

Happy workouts!!


Posted in gastric bypass hair loss advice, gastric bypass protein, weight loss surgery experiences

Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery

It’s been a few months since your bariatric surgery, and it happens…gobs of hair in the drain, strands all over your hairbrush, maybe even a few thin looking patches on your head.  It’s one of the most common complaints and worries about weight loss surgery.  How to keep it to a minimum is one of the most frequently asked questions.

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, major surgery and acute weight loss are two common reasons for hair loss, and according to Penn Medicine, because hair is made of protein, lack of protein can be a major cause of hair loss.

Soooo, how can you prevent it from happening?  Well, you can’t, not completely.  However, you CAN prevent it from being a big deal, and keep that shedding down to a minimum.

For heavens sake, supplement that protein!!  This is the number one reason that major hair loss happens after gastric bypass surgery.  You absolutely cannot eat enough protein in the first 6-18 months after surgery without supplementing.  I hear often that the thick shake types are hard to get down after surgery, so here is a couple fruity ones to try.  Also, if it’s just too much fluid, try protein shots.

protein-drink navel

Lift Protein, Berry                                                                                                       Nectar, Fuzzy Navel


 Proti Diet, Pink Lemonade


cranprotein shot.jpg

BariWise, Cran-Grape                                                                          ProBalance, Strawberry Splash


Please, please take your vitamins!  Not Flinstones people…those are for kids!  You need to take a grown-up vitamin, preferably one for bariatric patients.  There are tons out there that keep your levels up, as well as taste good.


Bariatric Multi                                            Bariatric Iron               Bariatric Calcium 


Many people have said Biotin has worked wonders for them.  I personally have not tried it, but it certainly can’t hurt to keep that hair where it belongs, on your head instead of down the drain!

biotin   hair

Natrol Biotin                                                      HairAnew


If hair loss seems overly excessive, think you can see your scalp excessive, or continues past your one year mark, please see your doc.  Also remember to go in regularly for vitamin checks, to make sure your levels are up where they should be!

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Posted in after gastric bypass surgery, life after gastric bypass, weight loss surgery experiences

When Your Partner Doesn’t Support You

*I am NOT a mental health professional and I urge you to seek appropriate counseling for any relationship problems*

For many of us who have weight loss surgery, we have had weight issues most of our lives.  I for one battled with my weight since the age of 12.  So when we hear the words “you’re approved” it’s a mix of feelings; relief, happiness, nervousness, excitement…I’m sure you can fill in many others you felt when you heard the news for yourself. We all imagine our spouse/significant other will be behind us 100% in our decision to change our life for the better and put an end to our obesity struggles.


But what happens when you’re partner doesn’t support your decision to go under the knife?  Why would he/she react this way?  More and more I’m hearing of couples having relationship issues either during the approval process or soon after the surgery is done.  There are many reasons that your partner might not support your decision for weight loss surgery.  For many, couples met and fell in love while at their current weight.  Basically who you are (and are trying to change with your WLS) is who your partner fell in love with.  The new you will take some getting used to.

Some lack of support may be due to worry that you will now be more attractive to other people and leave him/her for someone else.  If your partners is also heavy and unhappy with their weight, good ‘ole fashioned jealousy can be at play that you are able to change for the better and they are not.

Sometimes, without realizing it, our surgery becomes our sole focus, and that can wear on the other person (and honestly our other friends and family, not just our partners).  It’s a big deal to us, and even if our loved ones are happy for us, and supportive, it doesn’t mean they want to hear about it during ever conversation…that’s when support groups come in handy, so we can talk about it to our hearts content!

If your partner is truly disrespecting you, insulting you, or hurting you in anyway, do NOT tolerate that!  But if it seems to be simply they are having a rough time with the changes your surgery brought on, try talking honestly about them, and meet him/her halfway, and see if attitudes can shift to make both of you happy again.  One of the biggest changes in your life doesn’t have to mean an end to your relationship!


51Nhp6tzqEL.jpg      weight-loss-relationships    wls-connection   shaping

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Posted in bariatric diet, bariatric eating, gastric bypass protein, gastric bypass protein bars, Protein supplements

15 Best Ready-to-Eat Gastric Bypass Snacks

If you’re anything like me, you need food to be on had all the time.  I stash food around like a squirrel storing up for winter.  This keeps my blood sugar even all day, and keeps me from making any kind of convince store stops, or running through the nearest drive through.  I’ve already posted about great snacks that you can make/keep at home (read it here) but they aren’t all very portable.  So I scoured around, and found 15 of the top rated snacks that meet our protein needs, are low in sugars, and are portable!

#1:  Kay’s Naturals Gluten Free Protein Pretzels in Jalapeño Honey Mustard

kays pretzels.jpg

#2:  Pure Protein Crunch Chocolate

pure protein.jpg

#3:  Ostrim Snack Stick, Teriyaki


#4:  Lenny & Larry’s The Complete Cookie, Chocolate Chip


#5:  New Whey Nutrition Protein Shots, Fruit Punch

new whey.jpg

#6:  Caveman Chicken Bites, Applewood Smoked BBQ


#7: Tanka Bar, Natural Buffalo Cranberry Bar


#8: Crucha Ma-Me Edamame Veggie Snack, Lightly Seasoned 


#9:  Power Crunch Bar


#10:  Think Thin Protein Nut Bar, Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel 


#11: Fit Joy, Frosted Cinnamon Roll


#12: Quest Protein Chips, BBQ



#13: Optimum Nutrition Protein Water, Icy Blue Raspberry



#14: RAP Protein Gummies, Strawberry Flavor 


#15:  Smash Pack, Fruit & Protein-Tropical Fruit


So here’s my current fav 15…please comment below and let me know what you keep on hand for portable protein!

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Posted in Bariatric books, Gastric bypass books

Weight Loss Surgery: by Teresa Wainwright

I was recently sent a book by author Teresa Wainwright; Weight Loss Surgery: All the Essential Information Your Doctor Doesn’t Have Time to Tell You!    I wanted to write up a review about it because I found it so well written and such a fun read!

Ms. Wainwright starts out her book with many reasons we find ourself in need of WLS.  The next couple of chapters touch on what types of surgeries there are, what to expect from each one, as well as some considerations such as family planning, and smoking, etc.

Next, she talks about what to expect on the day of, as well as the first few weeks post-op.  “Okay, I’ve read all this before” you might be thinking.  But, one of the things that sucked me right in was the way her book read like I was chatting with a friend.  Not only that, the next chapters are hilarious and filled with stories from other patients.  I especially loved chapter 7 “The Gross Stuff” where I LOL’d plenty as people talked about loose skin, horrible dragon breath, gas woes, even some “oops” bathroom accidents.

If you’ve got a sense of humor, as well as want to learn a few things about weight loss surgery, and hear stories from many other patients, I can’t recommend this book enough!  It was so much fun to read, had me cracking up, and was full of great information!

You can pick up your copy on Amazon, available in paperback or on Kindle.


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Posted in Top workout

15 Great Workout Accessories and Equipment

Working out is a chore to a lot of people (yes, I’m including myself in that statement), but some fun gadgets and cool equipment can make it much more enjoyable, or at least a bit more interesting.  Here are 15 top rated accessories and exercise equipment that I love.

#1:  A really fun shaker cup

Bring your protein drink, water, etc in a super fun super hero shaker cup.

Listen to music, use fitness apps, etc, with a cell armband holder.
#3:  Way 2 Cool Microfiber Cooling Towel
I love this towel because it helps keep overheating in check.  Just soak it and wring it out, and it stays cool while feeling dry to the touch!  Great for outside workouts.
Okay, so this one might not be “fun” but chafing sure isn’t fun either!  Keep those thighs and other sensitive areas feeling comfy.
 This is not your old school fanny pack from the 80’s!  Fantastic for runners, walkers, hikers…hold all your stuff while working out!
After working out, treat your sore feet to this relaxing foot massage ball.
This wobble board isn’t just for physical therapy…it’s great for working out the core muscles, improving balance and flexibility!  Use it while hanging out watching TV, talking on the phone, etc.
If you’re like me and like doing fun activities for exercise, this might be your favorite new ride!
Work on your core while watching TV or sitting at your desk.  This backless version also helps with posture, and spine strength.
These leggins keep you warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, are made from moisture wicking material, and support hamstrings and quads.
For all you swimmers out there, these cool gloves from Speedo help tone arm muscles by adding resistance in the water.
Up your water workout with these foam dumbbells.
My biggest complaint with using my exercise bike is that it leaves me with a sore rear.  This gel cushion adds extra padding for a much more comfortable ride.
Trampolines that you wear on your feet!  Takes some getting used to, but a fun workout!
Listen to music without worrying about tangled cords or wires!
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Posted in bariatric diet dessert, Bariatric friendly dessert, healthy dessert at grocery store

Product Review of Enlightened Ice Cream

I was lucky enough to get a few coupons from the Enlightened company to try out their ice cream bars.  From the company:

We offer a healthy, delicious product that will make you rethink was ice cream can be. Many “better-for-you” ice creams would you believe that less bad is good enough. We disagree. That’s why we’ve created an ice cream that is truly good for you. Packed with protein, fiber and flavors and light on calories, fat, and sugar, it tastes great, and it’s what your body needs.

Carried at my local NJ Shoprite store, I was curious if they tasted good or like the normal “healthy” stuff.  This was my chance to try it out.

The bars are so popular there were only a few boxes left in stock, but I was able to snag a box of Mint Fudge Swirl and a box of Frozen Hot Cocoa.  The first I tried was the cocoa, and OH MY GOSH I’m in love!  These tasted nothing like the normal “diet” fake ice creams I’ve had in the past…this was a smooth and creamy texture with a rich chocolate flavor.  In the center was swirls of gooey marshmallow.  It completely satisfied my sweet tooth, and for the first time every I didn’t dump from ice cream.  Score!

Next, I tried the mint…this one had a very good mint chocolate chip thing going on.  The texture was not quite as creamy as the cocoa one was, but it was still very good!  I’ve always loved mint chocolate chip ice-cream in the summer, and this hit the spot.  I loved that the fudge stayed thick with a hot fudge-type consistency  and didn’t freeze into the bar.

Frozen-Hot-CocoaOf course, my two kids wanted in on the action as well.  Since I try to have my whole family eat healthy, I was more than happy to get their opinion.  They both chose to try the mint, and both boys gobbled them down.  Neither had any idea it was good for them (Mom 1, kids 0). Oh, and my hubby who is a weightlifting-aholic enjoys the fact that each bar is high (7 grams) of quality protein. It’s hard finding treats that are bariatric friendly, let alone treats that are good tasting and healthy for the whole family, but Enlightened managed it!  I cannot wait till our store restocks and I can try out the rest of the flavors.

Check out their website at, or find them on instigram